INvestEd Blog—Student Loan Help and Insights for Hoosiers Skip to main content
A female student in an aisle of books at the campus library looks quizzically off to the side

Top 5 Things To Know About Student Loans

By Bill Wozniak

Understanding student loan options when deciding how to pay for college leads to less debt. At INvestEd, we want Hoosiers to earn a degree with the least debt possible so future income is not all spent on loan payments.

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A scattering of INvestEd booklets and other documents

INvestEd’s Top 5 Financial Aid Fact Sheets

By Bill Wozniak

Would you like your financial aid questions answered quick and easy in a step-by-step format? Well, you’ve come to the right place. INvestEd has created one page fact sheets for everything from “Creating your FSA ID” to “Top College Search Questions” to even a “FAFSA Checklist” to walk you through the process.

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Planning for College. Step 1: Choosing the Right Major

See why the FIRST step in college planning is so important!

By Bill Wozniak

Changing majors multiple times is one of the biggest reasons students don’t finish their degree on time. Taking longer to finish means more cost in the long run. That’s why INvestEd suggests researching career and major options ahead of time to choose the area best suited for you and increase your chance of graduating on…

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When to Start Filling Out the FAFSA

Help With FAFSA From FSA ID to Filing

By Bill Wozniak

FAFSA – The Key to Opening Financial Aid Options It’s important to remember that the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the key that opens the door to federal, state and some institutional money. This is the case regardless of type or length of program you’re considering.

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Hoosiers Want Trusted Partners to Help Navigate Funding Options & Avoid Student Debt.

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